For English class I have to do an epic cooking assignment and of course i was stupid enough to try to bake something. Grilling, frying, nuking, etc etc is all pretty easy for me, but baking is a alien to me. If baking was a foreign language it would be Chinese because Chinese has many characters just like baking has many ingredients. Also, if one mixes these characters (ingredients) in wrong ways you just end up with nonsense (CRAPPY FOOD). I have new found respect for those who have epic baking skills. Our male dominated society should not look down upon those who bake our epic munchies, but cherish them. A world without baking people is a world without tasty pastries, breads, and cakes and stuff. For those who doubt the epic hardness of baking, try making castella in one try. I challenge you. This dude wrote a pretty good blog with a recipe and I suggest anyone who is bored, or feels like they can do epic cookingness try this
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