Friday, January 9, 2009

Contemplating Humanity (a short thought)

"People need Connectors
Writers, heroes, stars, leaders
To give life form.
A child's sand boat facing
the sun.
Plastic soldiers in the miniature
dirt war. Forts.
Garage Rocket Ships

Ceremonies, theatre, dances
To reassert Tribal needs & memories
a call to worship, uniting
above all, a reversion,
a longing for family & the
safety magic of childhood"

-Jim Morrison

As Inauguration Day draws near, I find myself questioning what makes this new presidency so "historic". Everybody seems to be boosting this event up to unrealistic standards, which seems to suggest that somehow the Obama presidency will cause massive healing of problems. It is as though people expect all the financial and social woes to disappear once Obama steps foot into the White House. Yet, what if Obama's very act of becoming president is what this nation needs? After all, humanity has never really been a dominant species because of its features, but rather its leaders.

If you think about it, what is humanity without it's leaders? Would we be like rats, scurrying around in anarchy? Would we be destroying ourselves for the very rush of destruction? Is a solid leader the only thing that unites us? America isn't like anywhere else in the world. It is a large, powerful nation that has somehow managed to remain united. So are Obama fanatics in a way very correct about Obama saving the world (or at least the world as they know it)?

Obama could be considered a key. A political figure that is in touch with the shifting community that demands something fresh. He connects with our nation. We see traits that we know and love. His blackberry addiction, basketball skills, and kids. This is his true power. True power is merely an extension of the people's power. Look at all the most powerful leaders. Though many of them may be considered poor leaders, or led in ways which are controversial they did in fact have given power. I think the best examples would be Hitler, Andrew Jackson, and Chairman Mao. These leaders led in very diverse ways, but all had one thing in common. They had the support of the up and coming generations.

The way they achieved this power seemed to vary, but they all seemed to be hip and with it. Pushing new agendas and pleasing the people was their main strategy. With a bunch of content people, anything can be pushed into law. Look at Hitler and Mao. Though not considered the best leaders by today's standards, they did create a sort of legacy. Hitler was even elected into this position of power. Mao on the other hand was very popular with the youth's for part of his tenure and was given power through their participation.

I'm not saying Obama is going to plunge us into a era of socialism, but that he holds potential for being the key thing America seems to be lacking. Obama can represent a more present America, motivate progress, and improve the overall American image. Because think about it, what do people most identify objects with? Figureheads sit above all else. Think Britain:The Queen. Think Terrorism: Al Qaeda. Think Guitar: Jimi Hendrix. Think Reggae: Bob Marley. Think WMDs: Bush Admin.

Think America: Barack Obama.

1 comment:

bcope said...

Good topic and good start, but overall, your post is fractured. Isn't it implicit that a democratic leader has to be 'hip' to the people? How else would they get elected in the first place? And though you give examples of how leveraging this connection to the people can create great power, those same examples undermine the idea that Obama is what america needs. Certainly Hitler wasn't what Germany needed? Sometimes when writing, we can lose the forest for the trees as they say. When you finish something, even something as informal as a blog post, it's always good to take a step back and see if the piece clearly conveys your ideas and intentions.