Saturday, February 7, 2009

Zettai Kareshi

Today I watched 7 hours, yes 7 damn hours, of Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend) with my girlfriend. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is a Japanese Drama about a woman who buys the "perfect" boyfriend from this company that plans to mass produce a model. At first she hates him/it, but appropriately names her new "appliance" Night (as in night in shining armor hahaha). Over the course of 11 hour long episodes, she eventually grows to love her robot friend (in a "serious" way) and embrace his pure and sweet robot heart.

Overall, it was decently written. I would have to admit that the emotionalness of the drama could be incredibly awkward for those of the male sex, but girls (especially Japanese ones) will love it most likely. It does help that what I have heard described as the perfect Japanese male is in it (Mokomichi). Plus it is based around LOVE LOVE LOVE and BOYS BOYS BOYS. On a more positive note, for those who aren't into love or boys, they do have this whole plotline about COOKING and not just cooking, but DESSERTS, such as the most excellent creme puff. Though this serves as nothing more than a mcguffin, it certainly does make watching 7 hours of a J-Drama more bearable (worked for me at least).

What this really brings up though as a question is what is human. Because over time the robot appliance that the girl ordered managed to learn to love and became humanlike in both nature. Could we technically consider man's creation human? Though it was made of mechanical parts, it held may characteristics which we associate with humanity: the ability to love; emotions; jealously; rage; revenge; sadness; and a helluva lot more caring than most of the world. I know of course that this was part of the whole innocence healing people plot that many tend to use, but it still brings out many questions that I cannot even begin to write about because I could go on forever about it.

What is life anyway? How do we define it? Are we really one to judge? All seem to be legitamate questions that I cannot even begin to answer in this one blog about a little J-Drama that haunted my Saturday. What I can do, however is let you decide by posting this link. However, I must warn you. For many of you internet addicts this is basically like crack cocaine. Click and begin watching the emotionfest at your own discretion.


bcope said...

Good intro, connecting the personal experience to broader issues/ideas. I, however, think post feels incomplete, especially you write the following: "but it still brings out many questions that I cannot even begin to write about because I could go on forever about it." Perhaps you should have at least made the initial foray.

Anonymous said...

HAaaaaa Shabu... I knew you held a gooey center in your liver just for jdrama.